4 Things That Helped Heal My Hair

4 things that helped heal my hair

Alright so the last time I wrote about my hair was in January 2023, at the very beginning of my hair growth journey, which means it’s now been over a year! I’ve gotten my hair trimmed a couple of times since then, but I’ve managed to grow my hair about 4 inches which has been a very exciting thing for me. I’ve been feeling really good about it, but wasn’t sure if it was just in my head until I posted a photo on stories the other day and a few of you wrote me just to compliment my hair! Truly meant the world to know the results weren’t just a product of my wishful thinking (so thank you :)). I think moving to Denver, a place that is SO dry, plus a sudden removal of meat from my diet, had a lot to do with the change in my hair. Suddenly it just stopped growing and I couldn’t figure out why. I think losing a lot of the nutrients meat provides in an every day diet slowed the growth, while the dry climate caused whatever was there to break off at the ends. Looking at old photos, I can see just how dry, dull and broken my hair really was. And I’m so glad I finally started paying it more attention because my hair is now longer, thicker and shinier than it’s been in a very long time. And although it’s tough to identify every single thing that caused this change, here’s 4 things that helped heal my hair:

Lower/less heat

Writing this now all I can think is *duh…*

I don’t know what version of myself thought it was a good idea to set my heat levels on my curling and straightening irons as high as they were, but that had to be changed real quick. I’ve used heat protectant for a long time, but I’m not sure even that was making the difference I thought it was. Exposing your hair to heat is bad no matter what, so limiting the exposure and lessening the temps is a great place to start. I’ve found that my hair appreciates the break, and lower temps actually do just as good of a job for a casual everyday look. I currently have the heat on my blow dryer and curling iron set to the second lowest level and my straightener on 25, and I only use heat on my hair twice a week after washing.

Upping my protein intake

I started getting more intentional around my protein intake early last year for fertility purposes, which definitely coincided with quicker hair growth. Once I stopped eating meat I didn’t stress much about how I would get enough protein because, on average, most Americans easily eat more than the recommended daily minimum. The thing is though, if you want to gain muscle or lose weight or grow your hair you actually do need more than the recommended daily minimum so that your body has extra protein to allocate to those causes. If you’re limiting protein intake, your body will of course distribute what it has to the most vital places, and I’d assume hair is probably last on that list. Moral of the story, extra protein is good, and there are more places than just animal products from which you can get it.

My favorite ways to add protein into my diet are:

-Tofu microwaved and doused with this Japanese bbq sauce and everything but the bagel seasoning (seriously SO good)

-(Okay this one’s an animal product) Over-easy or hard boiled eggs with this creamy salsa (another combo that is SO freaking good)

-Making hemp protein shakes and adding walnut butter and collagen powder (another animal product, I know)

-Sprinkling pumpkin and sunflower seeds on salads

I’ll never label myself as totally vegan or even vegetarian, because I do think there’s a time and place for everything. If you’re upping your protein intake, I’d just encourage you to think of other ways to do it outside of just meat and animal products, obviously because I love animals, but also because too much protein from animal sources is very hard on your kidneys, and alternative options have other nutrients you need as well (think nuts, vegetables, beans, etc.).

Acetyl L-Carnitine

When I stopped eating meat I knew there were a few things I’d need to start supplementing, but this was one I’d never heard of. Acetyl L-Carnitine is an amino acid that is mostly found in meat and other animal products, and helps the body turn fat into energy. A lot of people take it to improve their energy levels and muscle strength, but it has also been found to stimulate hair growth. I, of course, am not a doctor, but this is something that has been extremely helpful in bringing my hair back to life, making it stronger and actually getting it to grow. Please check with your doctor before adding anything new to your supplement routine, but it’s definitely something to consider, especially if you don’t eat meat/other animal products.

Hair masks/oils

The thing that’s made the biggest difference in my hair has for sure been the hair masks and oils I’ve been using. I started out with once a week, but now do a mask for at least 30 minutes before every time I wash my hair (which is twice a week). I use this rosemary mint oil on my scalp, then a coconut based hair oil from mid-section to ends that I find at natural grocers in the beauty section.

I’ve also fallen in LOVE with K18 products. I know they’re pretty pricey, but IMO they’re so worth it, and a little goes a long way. I’ve been using their mask about once a month, and their hair oil after styling and every night before going to bed. Adding this to my routine has allowed my hair to continue growing, no matter how dry it is outside. The ends of our hair are so vulnerable, we have to remember to care for them regularly.

I’ve learned so much about hair since starting out on this journey 1 whole year ago, and, although I still wish my hair would grow faster, we’ve actually made progress and I’m so grateful for that. I know this is a very first world problem, but hey, it was a little jarring when my hair growth didn’t budge for like 2 years- I wondered if it’d ever grow again- so it’s a relief to have gotten to this place. There are much bigger things to be worried about, but sometimes ya just gotta revel in these incredibly trivial stressors and make positive change there too. Because all positive change is good, right?

Let me know what other hair growth/health tips you have for me!

And, if you liked this post, you may also enjoy: The Beginning of My Hair Growth Journey

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